
Nightmares and night terrors

Nightmares are intense and frightening dreams that wake us up and cause a feeling of fear, sadness or panic. They may be accompanied by vivid images and a sense of threat, making it difficult to fall back asleep.

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Nightmares fall under the category sleep disorders. They cause intense anxiety or panic during sleep, which can lead to waking and an increased heart rate.

And are often characterized by vivid images and situations that are experienced as real.

Nightmares can evoke a sense of threat, danger or powerlessness, making the person feel scared and unsafe.

How often does it happen?

They are relatively common and can affect anyone. In adults, approximately 50% experience nightmares occasionally, while 5-8% of adults experience nightmares regularly. Nightmares are common in children, but the frequency usually decreases as they get older.


Several factors can worsen the frequency and intensity of nightmares. High levels of stress and anxiety during the day can increase the likelihood of nightmares. People who have experienced traumatic events, such as war, abuse or accidents, are more likely to experience nightmares. Certain medications and drugs, such as antidepressants, sleeping pills and alcohol, can increase the risk of nightmares.


Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce the likelihood of nightmares. Provide a comfortable and quiet sleeping environment, with dimmed lights and a comfortable bed. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help promote a stable sleep cycle and reduce nightmares.

Risk factors and causes of nightmares

Although nightmares can happen to anyone, there are some risk factors and causes that increase the likelihood of them happening.

People with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often suffer from re-experiencing traumatic events in the form of nightmares.

Individuals with anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder, have an increased risk of nightmares.

Nightmares can also occur in people with other mental health conditions, such as depression, schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.

Different forms of nightmares

Although nightmares can come in different forms, there are three common types:

Repetitive nightmares, these nightmares occur regularly and may contain the same fears and themes. They may indicate underlying stress or trauma.

Lucid nightmares, in which people are aware that they are dreaming, but are unable to take control of the dream. They can be frightening and confusing.

Night terrors

Night terrors, also called night terrors, are sudden episodes of intense fear and panic that usually occur during non-REM sleep, as opposed to nightmares that occur during REM sleep. A person experiencing a night terror may suddenly sit up in bed, scream, sweat, and be difficult to wake. They may be confused and disoriented.

With night terrors, people usually do not remember any details of the event. They have no memory of the intense fear or panic they experience during the episode. It is accompanied by physical symptoms, such as screaming or sweating. Night terrors usually occur in the first half of the night, especially during the transition from deep sleep to light sleep. They are more common in children, especially between the ages of 3 and 8, but can also occur in adults.

It is caused by several factors, including genetic predisposition, lack of sleep, stress and fatigue.

Regular treatment

Therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help identify and change negative thoughts and fears that can cause nightmares.

In some cases, medication may be prescribed to reduce nightmares.

Sometimes the image exposure technique is used, which involves reliving the nightmare, but with a modified and positive ending, to reduce the fear response.

Nightmares and night terrors

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